Promura Building Products

Promura Catalogue Sept 2024


Promura 100 Clear Cement Waterproofer

Promura 100 Waterproofer is an admixture that chemically waterproofs cement mortar and renders. Suitable for both interior and exterior use to protect against rising damp, seepage and rain. Specified by builders since 1938.  

Promura 100 Waterproofer SDS February 2020



img_1242352564_15051_1242628744_mod_111_139     Promura XX Mortar Plasticiser

                                            Promura XX is specially formulated for cement render and mortar. It improves workability and adhesion.

Promura XX Mortar Plasticiser SDS February 2020



      Promura 200 Quick-Setter

     Promura 200 is a quick setting preparation that reduces the setting time of mortar and concrete.

      It will harden mortar in a few minutes and   concrete within a few hours.


Promura 200 Quick Setter SDS February 2020



    Promura Bond Mate 500 PVA Bonding Agent

     Promura Bond Mate gives perfect adhesion for plaster or cement render. May be painted onto surface or added to mix.

Bond Mate 500 SDS February 2020



Other products available:

Bond Mate 500 PVA Bonding Agent
Foam Expansion Jointing – Plain & Adhesive Backed
Polythene Dampcourse
Raw Aluminium Flashing
Standard Bitumen Coated Aluminium
Brick Ties
Brick Vents
Expansion Ties

Promura Catalogue Sept 2024